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Cat L writes:

"Free" is not what they mean, it's marketing. The money tells the story.

sandy writes:

I loved to hear that your budget for your office was not set by the BOCC. I remember the one commissioner remarking that with a new property assessor more money could be had. You have done a great job for over 30 years. I will vote for you to continue. Your office is not controlled by developers but by Florida Statutes.
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Libby23@aol.com writes:

Scary, but true! Thanks for speaking the truth. Right there with you. I hope the rest of the county becomes informed and takes action.

WTF writes:

Harris as the boarder czar, well we see how that worked out and how many times she has visited the boarder in the last 3 years. Need I say more? 2887 delegates thought she is the best candidate for the job......a snow job maybe. More than 10 million people have been reported illegally entering the United States since President Joe Biden took office in January 2021, the greatest number in history and of any administration. They total more than the individual populations of 41 states. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/illegal-border-crossers-total-over-10-million-since-biden-inauguration/ar-AA1j5gwR
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Cat L writes:

The "errors" we're already seeing from that office are not so much of a surprise since I learned that those appointed by the governor are suggested to him by lobbyists. The same lobbyists people have paid to get their do-boy politicians elected....
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docksidejd@bellsouth.net writes:

Totally agree with your picks. Please vote in the primary and let's take care of this now.

WTF writes:

The Citizens would do well voting for Carol Felts. Please vote for all the recommendations the Bradenton Times endorse. They are FOR THE PEOPLE and not developer puppets

Ray writes:

Hopefully, the voters in the rest of the county will find out what a thief and a sorry commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge has been to the West side when he is not giving a tongue bath to his builder handlers he is condescending to anyone that comments at commissioner meetings. I would recommend never let him get reelected.
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

Voters will need to immunize themselves against anti choice propaganda and lies. The same people who call Florida the "freedom state" will try to take away your right to choose. Don't let them. Vote yes on 4.
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DanDaly writes:

Well let’s see how this too, can be blamed on DEI hires… Can’t make it up if you tried. Glad to see that voters are catching this error and getting the word out. Can’t say I’d trust the “automatic reissue”.
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Charles writes:

Luckily for us — they think they have our state locked in — am planning to vote against them and all the way down the ticket in order to seek a reversal of the corruption that has no interest in governing for the people and is destroying the land, the water, and the social fabric that we should protect for future generations.
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Dianna writes:

Clearly Tal values public comment especially since he has been showing up and speaking at commissioner meetings long before he was running for District 3. He has shown more public engagement than both Jonnson or Van Ostenbridge put together. As a District 3 resident that regularly watches meetings and attended the T2T “Van Ostenbridge homeless camp fiasco” I recognized him walking into the meeting and told him how much we appreciated him taking his personal time to go and give public comment. Culbreath has zero interest in what residents in District 3 think- she can’t even come up with one legitimate item for her many fliers. I hope that voters take the time to listen to the podcast, District 3 needs real representation, so this is a no-brainer, vote Tal Siddique.
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rjckeuka4@gmail.com writes:

It's about time some highly qualified candidates took a step forward and ran for these all-important positions. The clowns elected/appointed over the past four years don't have the qualifications nor the executive level experience to hold such positions...and Commissioner is the highest paying job they've ever held!
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DPKAISER writes:

I guess if you have to ask the prices, you can’t afford it. Maybe a range or a link to the menu would be very useful.

Cat L writes:

I would feel better about charter schools if they were not publicly traded. Those vouchers are tax payer money going to making more money for investors, while politicians make public schools intolerable to motivate people to switch their kids to charter schools. Crooked AF.
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you. Looking forward to it!

Charles writes:

A quote from another Republican about JDVance is about the best assessment I've seen to date: “JD Vance has pledged he would do what Mike Pence wouldn’t—overturn an election and illegally seize power. He says the president can ignore the rulings of our courts. He would capitulate to Russia and sacrifice the freedom of our allies in Ukraine. The Trump GOP is no longer the party of Lincoln, Reagan, or the Constitution.”
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kmskepton@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you! Commissioner Kruse is engaged with residents; he comes prepared to all of the board meetings; he wants developers to pay their fair share; he wants residents to be able to call in comments (again); he cares about our water and land; he is not beholden to developers; he cares about our county. Great choice! Make sure you are registered as a Republican by July 22 so you can vote for him to beat the awful, horrible, no good VanOstenbridge! Go Kruse!!!
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crcoryea@gmail.com writes:

I’m supporting this movement because people approach, call and text me daily desperate to have their voices heard again. They want to have their freedom of speech renewed here in Manatee County and to be able to share their knowledge and opinions at Board meetings and other public venues. This movement is for them.
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Dianna writes:

Excellent podcast! What a great candidate for the school board! It would be nice to have her perspective for both parents and teachers on the School Board. Current teachers who point out the exact same reasons for leaving the profession are called a “disgrace” by the administration. What other profession can you have a master’s degree with years of experience, and make as much as a brand-new teacher with no experience? Why do many of our teachers work a second job to make ends meet? Why is it that a teacher, even one with a second job, needs either a co-signer or a roommate to rent an apartment in our community? Too much teacher time is being wasted by the micromanagement of administration and others.
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