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WTF writes:

UnitedHealth Group owns Manatee Memorial Hospital. They receive funds from the Manatee County taxpayers

David Daniels writes:

Manatee County is lucky to have Angel Colonesso as our Clerk of Court. Whenever I've called, the employee is polite and professional. Her office replies promptly to inquiries. If they don't provide the service or information requested, they make suggestions. One can feel confident that public records will be provided as required by law and in good faith. No long delays, punitive charges and games being played like I've experienced requesting records from Manatee County.Years ago I made a complaint re a shortage of computer workstations at the law library. Ms.Colonneso personally responded, thanking me, and then expediting additional work stations. Our Clerk of Court office is what good government looks like.
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WTF writes:

The previous BOCC in the county were always controlled by the developers To the detriment of our community. They had no empathy for the public, common sense and the safety of the public. Their main goal was to secure funding for their next election. It was the greed of developers and the puppets on the board of county commissioners that have destroyed our county with over-development. It's time to right the wrong and moving their direction of a moratorium. I Applaud commissioner Robert McCann in bringing back sanity common sense back into the meetings. For far too long the public has been marginalized not only in public comment but total disrespect for our opinions in the past. Hopefully those days are over for good
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WTF writes:

Once again, a deal done by the previous board of county commissioners with no accountability. You would think that spending $21 million would at least have an open discussion with the public, possibly a town hall meeting for the stakeholders involved. Leasing back half of the land for $10,000 a year are you kidding me who makes that kind of deal in the interest of the public, no one in their right mind. Any previous deal made by KVO should be subject to scrutiny by an outside professional commercial real estate appraiser. The County Attorney should also weigh in on this and not the outside private firm the seaport has. The revised agenda was never accessed by the public and only to the commissioners. The new board should not grant the director of seaport any authority to negotiate any purchase for sale concerning to real estate. He has shown poor negotiating skills that is better left to professionals. SeaPort Manatee Director Carlos Buqueras has lost his way in communication with the public and the BOCC. He comes in with these last-minute agenda changes like he was dealing with the old board and can do whatever he wants. Those days should be over, Time for a new director.
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iambillsanders@aol.com writes:

Dennis Mitch Maley You and I have discussed these decisions in Bradenton at length. Why is Brown avoiding fixing the millions of gallons of sewage in our waters?..Why are we spending millions on government buildings? Why is only a few people profit from this. Where are we on selling city hall? The building we offered to buy was determined to have critical issues. Yet the public was told otherwise. The list goes on and on. Why has the city not filed the required financial disclosure on its website since I left? Wait till the pending corruption lawsuit not being talked about by media . It will spell out numerous corruption that has been covered up. Recall Brown as Mayor He is not fit to serve our residence and our city.
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Dianna writes:

Excellent commentary Brice!

luvbradenton writes:

I agree the flyover bridge holds merit to be strongly investigated. It was highly controversial in Tampa when they did their flyover above Gandy Ave., but it has made a huge improvement to traffic both ways. It will not take away from local business, those who need gas, food etc. will follow current 41, those who are traveling directly north can save a lot of time without suffering through the lights and traffic as it is right now.
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Dianna writes:

Another great podcast! We appreciate your efforts Commissioner Felts!

Charlene writes:

I don't see the purpose of this.

Charles writes:

Overlooked among connections of Gruters to the president is that Gruters is the master of all of the dark money traveling to the president — it all passes through the enriched purse of Gruters and into untrackable oblivion — of course Gruters is the eager * beaver * for the president and most appreciated by the president for keeping folks in the dark about his darkest secrets. Perhaps the governor should reconsider the plumb job given to Gruters's wife — does not look as if that has produced the desired effect for the governor, woneder whether that is being reconsidered? Of course, destroying New College of Florida was to be a stepping stone — not a millstone.
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dreed135@yahoo.com writes:

Thank you for sharing this. I have read a number of accounts of the Barker gang over the years and, yes, I would and most likely will visit this site.

nhughes@xhost.org writes:

When calling Commissioner McCann/Aide Bailey I didn't get a live human being. After several rights I got a recorded message that "This person's phone number has not been set up to receive messages. Good bye." Not a good way to interact with the public.
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WTF writes:

The views of Joel make way more sense to me. I have been following him for years and plan to visit his farm this summer. Joel Salatin invites Bill Gates to Polyface Farms to stand with his cattle in the pastures and see if these cows are doing more harm than good. (Hint, on a regenerative farm they are actually helping the planet!) Bill Gates is raising millions of dollars to develop a vaccine to reduce cow burps and farts in order to help with climate change/global warming. Is this the best solution for the animals and healing our planet or is Bill Gates solving the problem from the wrong end? Watch here for real answers. https://youtu.be/GLrT0EoNeWQ?si=JVd3k4wyqgemW65W For the Record
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David Daniels writes:

I found Commissioner Bearden's angry-man theatrics during the Plat discussion to be a shameful embarrassment - he was loud and disrespectful. He was also dishonest because at no point did Mr. Bearden acknowledge that, when the board actually had the power to vote against development, Bearden consistently failed to do so - including one of the very same plats he was pretending to be angry about. Bearden spent his first 2 years being a rubber stamp for development because he thought that was his ticket to stay on the public payroll. After last year's election, he comes out in a complete 180 for the same reason - to stay on the public payroll. I understand that. But his antics last Tuesday went over the line, IMO.
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Cat L writes:

I would really prefer that legislators were more prosecutable. They constantly take actions in alignment with their donors that cause harm to their constituents. There are some Representatives who are actually interested in doing the job, but a very high percentage in this state are in their position because a want to be oligarch put them there.
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sandy writes:

As former Floodplain Management Section Manager who had 23 years' experience in floodplain management, an exception cannot be made from the regulations. If FEMA discovers this, the first thing that happens is the county will lose its discount on all NFIP insurance policies in the county which is currently 25%. FEMA will give time to get back into compliance with the regulations in the Title 44 Code of Federal Regulations. If not done the county would be put on probation and additional money would be added to the policy. The last step if non-compliance continues, the county would be suspended from the program, and nobody would be able to get new flood insurance from the NFIP and policies as they expire would not be renewed. My recommendation is that they look into getting Annie's listed on the FL State Master Site File (probably easier than the National Register). This would be acceptable to apply for a variance to rebuild as it originally was for FEMA. Contact the Clerk of Circuit Court Historical department to find out how to do this process and if they can do it. Just because it is old does not meet FEMA's requirement as historical. It has to be listed on the National Register or the Master Site File. Cathy Slusser when she was with the Clerk helped people through the process, so a variance was possible including the 1912 Schoolhouse. The 50% Rule is designed to get structures more flood-resistant and compliant, so the NFIP doesn't have to keep paying for continued damages. I know of at least one house that had 8 claims which well exceeded the value of the structure. And they were in Zone X which is considered low risk. Nobody near the house had anywhere near that many claims or the amount of the claims. And I could only find permits for minimal repairs.
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neal2k@yahoo.com writes:

There is absolutely no reason to deny dreamers in state tuition. We now live in a time of gleeful cruelty and it will not end well for anyone. Jesus teaches us to have compassion for those less fortunate. To those that voted to take away the in state tuition for Dreamers, shame on you for hurting those less fortunate than you.
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lib224@gmail.com writes:

MAGAs, you got what you wanted.

Cat L writes:

Every time I see reports showing decline in birthrates, I think about things like this. Chemicals that disrupt the human body are being used indiscriminately in America. Foolish.

David Daniels writes:

It is cruelty for cruelty’s sake. Such hatred for immigrants from our own neighbors and coworkers. Hatred even though most have never spoken to an immigrant family. Hatred despite not ever having a negative experience. Immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes, they contribute not only much needed labor, but pay their fair share in taxes.
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