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Letters to the editor

Paid Political Operatives

Dawn Kitterman wrote an article informing us of the Manatee County Commissioners' new hires. I object to the commissioners hiring a county employee. If they wish to control the hiring, they should …

Florida’s refusal to accept over $320 million in federal funding for the Carbon Reduction Program (CRP) is alarming, especially as it faces severe climate risks. Despite being one of the most …

FDOT Should Abandon Bridge Option Near Braden Castle Park

When Hurricane Helene's storm surge invaded our quaint historic community bordered by the Manatee and Braden Rivers on September 26, Braden Castle Park residents thought we had seen the worst that …

What time of year is it? It’s property tax time!

I hope you all had a Happy Thanksgiving and, for a moment, were able to put aside the hurricanes and your recently arrived property tax bill. Thanks to “Save Our Homes” and some senior …

Vern Buchanan (R-FL16) has been the House sponsor of only two bills that became law in his nine terms and nearly 18 years in the House of Representatives. Buchanan represented the Florida 13th …

Thou Shall Not Steal?

Not surprisingly, Harris-Walz yard signs were recently stolen from private properties in our neighborhood (including mine). Equally not surprising, her opponents’ signs were untouched. …

Roth, Kaleta's Mayor?

At a recent Bradenton Beach mayoral debate, Mike Roth was asked if he was indebted or obliged to any developers. He said he "did not know any developers." That would be a surprise to Shawn …

Judy for Mayor!

I invite you to support and VOTE for the re-election of Mayor Judy Titsworth. There has never been a time when experience, leadership, knowledge of, and commitment to our city were more important. I …

Donald Trump is a fascist

As a person, congressional candidate, and American, I feel compelled to express these opinions: Donald Trump is a fascist. His rally at Madison Square Garden was a travesty of racist, sexist, …

Fellow Veterans, I will not vote for Trump

Fully realizing I'm probably in the minority, I'd like to issue a warning. If your moral compass has not been severely affected by Donald Trump's repeated and continual disparaging of veterans, let …

Spectrum's Storm Response in Palmetto Has Been Unacceptable

We all know how devastating Hurricane Milton has been to our county. I am writing to address Spectrum's response to the restoration of services, especially here in Palmetto. Spectrum has been …

Let's Get Real About Climate Change and Storm Intensity

The avalanche of "storms of the century" should give us, the residents, some vital pause. It is clear that global warming is hastening hurricane development and strength, yet the pols we have in …

Check the Status of Your Mail-in Ballot!

My husband, Fred Teeter, and I voted by mail. I received an email confirmation, and he didn’t. He checked the status of his ballot on the Elections website and found that it was rejected …

Di Bartolomeo for District 5

Joe Di Bartolomeo is the best candidate for District 5! Joe will represent ALL the people in the district, regardless of party affiliation. I have known him through his service as Chairman of our …

Vote for Joe Di Bartolomeo

As an admirer of The Bradenton Times, I was surprised and disappointed to read the publication’s recommendation for District 5 County Commissioner. The fact that Robert McCann won the …

Manatee County Commission D5 Endorsement

I can’t understand why the endorsement for district 5 didn’t go to Joe DiBartolomeo. Joe has spent many months getting to know the people in this county and become informed on the issues …

Bob McCann Endorsement

Bob McCann is certainly a better alternative than Mr. Turner, but what sane person would. accept and post an endorsement by General Flynn on their website. I wonder about the judgment of anyone …

Amendment 2: The Right to Hunt and Fish is Trojan Horse Legislation

Thanks to The Bradenton Times for reporting on this proposed amendment. While it guarantees the right to hunt and fish, it would preclude science-based protection of animals and wildlife. Voters may …

Our Vote by Mail was Cancelled

I am a snowbird who has been a vote-by-mail person for years. Having read about our new supervisor of elections inexperience, I decided to check on my voter status. I looked online to …

Vote No on Amendment 4

This November, Floridians vote on Amendment 4, sponsored by Planned Parenthood and the radical left.

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