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Meteorologists Warn of Unique Potential for Extreme Hurricane Season

The switch to a La Niña pattern, record-shattering warm ocean temperatures in the Main Development Region at the surface, and warm waters at deep depths are all red flags for AccuWeather expert meteorologists.


BRADENTON – With the Atlantic Hurricane Season beginning on June 1, AccuWeather expert meteorologists are concerned about a serious threat of rapidly intensifying storms during the 2024 Atlantic Hurricane season, which could leave families, businesses, and government leaders with less time to react and prepare.

Rapid intensification of tropical storms and hurricanes is defined as a tropical storm or hurricane that quickly gains wind intensity of at least 35 mph in 24 hours or less.

AccuWeather Lead Hurricane Forecaster Alex DaSilva says rapidly intensifying tropical storms and hurricanes pose a major threat to life and property along the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coastlines.

“Sea-surface temperatures across the Atlantic Basin as a whole have never been warmer in recorded history on this date than they are right now,” said DaSilva. “The fear is that as we enter the heart of the tropical season, the sea-surface temperature may eclipse the record-breaking season that was 2023. 2023 is the benchmark for the warmest the Atlantic basin has ever been in recorded history. Tropical storms and hurricanes love to feed off of warm ocean water. The warmer the oceans are, the more favorable the environment will be for tropical development and intensification.”


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  • Charles

    The shift away from the El Niño event creates the non El Niño pattern or the absense of El Niño. Without quibbling with the analysis of the effects likely to occur, the scientific basis of expert meteorology tempts me to digress and appeal for some rational discussion of scientific information. El Niño is the name given to an upwelling pattern that appears regularly off the western coast of South America. Its Catholic inhabitants recognized that it coincided with the approach of Christmas and so when it was repeating, they named it to honor the coming of the Christ child, Jesus (El Niño). I have no idea who decided to use a bizarre sexual dicotomy contrary to that cultural, religious, and linguistic tradition. The dicotomy is based on complete ignorance. But here we have it. Who, pray tell (I use the phrase deliberately) is La Niña? Perhaps a female deity on the other side of a dicotomy in Catholicism that appears during years without the upwelling? Perhaps we have lost knowledge of fraternal twins born in a manger and so on? Could we have been left with only half of the saviors enshrined in Catholicism? Is ths like the suppression of the female prophits of the old testament? Now resurrected, can we ever decipher her name and the details of her sacred life?

    I advocate for the reversal of this ignorance being bandied about by folks supposedly discussing scientific knowledge based on facts — and advocate for the use of terminology that is based on reality. Adoption of a more accurate term (as suggested above) could become a social movement against ignorance — it could begin right here! Imagine, we could get into Ripley's or be the notation in Merrium Webster about the first instance of usage...

    We need a cause such as this if we are going to suffer the dreadful consequences of the absence of El Niño or the non El Niño. Are you with me? thanks for the patience reading through my rant about a pet peeve...

    Thursday, May 23 Report this