On Tuesday, outgoing Commissioner Kevin Van Ostenbridge made a surprise motion in the closing minutes of the Manatee County Commission meeting to fire County Attorney Pamela D'Agostino. Many people were scratching their heads as to why. The answer might be found at the end of a land use meeting the previous Thursday.
In March, the board hired D'Agostino, who was General Counsel for the Manatee School District. She had previously served as an Assistant State Attorney for Florida's 12th Judicial Circuit from 2007-15. At the time, Van Ostenbridge was enthusiastic about bringing the well-respected attorney in to fill the vacancy created by Bill Clague’s "retirement." Clague’s work at the county saw him rewarded with a job at political bagman Bill Galvano’s firm.
Galvano, once President of the Florida Senate, is the guy responsible for Manatee County having a certified imbecile presently running its elections. When local developer Carlos Beruff wanted then-Manatee County Commissioner James Satcher appointed SOE, it was Galvano who did the bidding. Galvano did this even though Satcher had zero qualifications for such an important post, and his longtime friend and legislative colleague Mike Bennett had recommended his supremely qualified 11-year deputy, Scott Farrington, be appointed when Bennett stepped down as SOE in January.
Of course, Satcher got routed by Farrington in the Republican primary, and Van Ostenbridge (also a Beruff sycophant) suffered the biggest electoral embarrassment in Manatee County history the same evening. However, even though he’s a lame duck, Van Ostenbridge seems to be attempting to prove he’s still useful, probably hoping he’ll get thrown a bone once he becomes unemployed from a job that paid way more than he earned previously.
At last Thursday’s meeting, Van Ostenbridge pressed D'Agostino to give a public update as to her office’s opinion regarding any legal exposure the county might face in its decision to reverse course on the moronic decision to eviscerate its wetland policies. D'Agostino reiterated her position that it was not wise to publicly discuss such matters given that it was a public meeting and any developer who might bring suit against the county would have access to concerns expressed by her office, the same reason she was uncomfortable discussing them in an email. In her words, D'Agostino did not want whatever she said to become “exhibit A” in a future lawsuit.
D'Agostino added that she had not yet concluded her research and would brief commissioners individually once she had. When Van Ostenbridge pressed her for a timeline, she said, “sometime in November.” See the video below.
Let’s unpack this. Beruff had unsuccessfully sued the county over its wetland protection policies on multiple occasions. So he just bought more commissioners who attempted an inside job. Van Ostenbridge pushed the move to gut wetland protections with the complicity of the other developer puppets on the board—which is to say, anyone not named George Kruse. The policy change passed despite enormous public outrage, which became the impetus for Van Ostenbridge to get routed in August, along with Steve Metallo and April Culbreath, the developer-sponsored candidates for districts 1 and 3.
The election results seemed to make at least one developer-friendly commissioner nervous. When Commissioner Jason Bearden motioned to reverse the decision immediately following the August election, Kruse pointed out that because it was a quasi-judicial action requiring multiple hearings, a new board would ultimately make the decision. The new board will be seated in November. Therefore, it would only make sense to brief commissioners after that date.
So why is a lame duck who won't be on the board so interested in discovering what legal risks the county attorney’s office might be worried about? It's certainly not out of concern for his constituents. For four years, Van Ostenbridge has shown that he couldn't care less about them. He came to work each day to serve his real boss, the guy who bankrolled the lion's share of his campaigns and their associated PACs. My best guess? Either his developer sugar daddy told him to get the intel, or else he’s taking the initiative in order to curry favor.
D'Agostino was impressive in her obstinance last week. But there’s nothing Van Ostenbridge seems to like less than a woman who is more intelligent than he is. The commissioner came to Tuesday’s meeting with a separation order between D'Agostino and the county in hand and motioned during commissioner comments for the board to approve it (see video below). I wonder if she got the same offer to resign ahead of the meeting that Van Ostenbridge gave former county administrator Cheri Coryea before moving to fire her during his very first meeting after being sworn into the seat nearly four years ago.
I would have to think Van Ostenbridge felt he had the votes before making such a bold move. It would turn out he didn’t, and it wasn’t even close. His motion failed for lack of a second. Under Van Ostenbridge’s one-and-done career, the county has lost an unthinkable amount of institutional knowledge via experienced professionals who were either pushed out or quit, beginning with Coryea. Many more employees compromised themselves terribly—some out of fear and intimidation, others due to lack of character.
Stripped of the power he briefly wielded, bureaucrats are no longer fearful of such a small man, and I’m not talking about his diminutive stature. It is reminiscent of the penultimate scene from The Wizard of Oz when Toto rips back the curtain, and they all see that it’s just a weak little man working some levers. The great and powerful Oz has spoken, and yet Manatee County yawns.
Dennis "Mitch" Maley is an editor and columnist for The Bradenton Times and the host of our weekly podcast. With over two decades of experience as a journalist, he has covered Manatee County government since 2010. He is a graduate of Shippensburg University and later served as a Captain in the U.S. Army. Click here for his bio. Mitch is also the author of three novels and a short story collection, which are available here.
10 comments on this item
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What a great article Mitch. Thanks for bringing all the developer politics out in the open. You have pulled back the curtain to reveal what's really happening. Keep up the good work.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
The voters spoke loud and clear about this one and done Narcissist. Perhaps his next career can be at a local nursery selling Bougainvillea plants. Most folks understand a little power is dangerous KVO Was a nuclear disaster to the citizens of Manatee County
This too shall pass…. Good riddance
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
Yikes the man has no shame! Well written, well researched and what excellent journalism is about Mitch! Jim Tierney
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
There are some people who are so SMALL they don't matter. It's not often they get told that to their face...but this one did! Good riddance K! It's unfortunate others now have to clean up your mess.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
KVO mentioned SB 250. This was in regard to enacting more restrictive Comp Plan and LDC amendments after Hurricane Ian and Nicole and applies retroactively to September 28, 2022. The change to the wetland Comp Plan regulations was approved in Oct. 2023. The LDC has not yet been amended with the updated wetland provisions. And if you retroactively go back to 2022, they still applied in the Comp Plan.. This is not more restrictive back to 2022. Also, the CAO twice successively won on two determinations against Mr. Beruff on the wetland buffers. KVO is an agitator and just trying stir up an issue that should be a no brainer. His so-called separation agreement proposed against the CAO is his last gasp. He started this against Cheri, ignore him against d'Agostino. First meeting after Nov. 5 the winning candidates will be sworn in and KVO is no one of them.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
His insisting on a CAO determination before he is out of office is ridiculous. He has no vote on an amendment that has to go back through the process, planning commission and BOCC. County has beaten Beruff in Civil Court twice. I have faith they can again. Please pay attention to an inland county (Orange) increasing their buffer to 100 feet for most projects after Manatee (coastal) decreased theirs.
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
I recall when I was ending my term on the board, thanks to KVO…. Wait, I’m giving him too much credit. I made a comment at the Diaz, and his words were “ what you have to say is not revelant, you lost.”
You reap what you sow KVO.
I can’t blame the business community for trying to strong arm a weak board members. If the board ever stood for the citizens, they would make their own decisions and not have to rely on others telling them what to do.
New Board, Do your job! You need to listen to all sides and make your own decisions. Many times I would disagree with somebody from the business community that met with all commissioners, and they actually respected that because they knew where I stood. I am not in office because some took it personal, and that’s okay.
Don’t ever let what happened these past four years happen again!!
Sunday, October 27, 2024 Report this
Cat L
Well said. And, I'm glad KVO didn't impact yet another persons career. He was certainly chosen for that audacity.... I won't miss it.
Monday, October 28, 2024 Report this
Great article. No Way VOB way. Bye bye to a traitor. And now he wants to ruin City of Bradenton in a new job.
Monday, October 28, 2024 Report this