This week, Manatee County’s propaganda department lauded its developer-funded lackeys for “proposing an impact fee increase.” Let’s take a closer look at what actually …
The 2024 Statewide Emergency Shelter Plan confirms what we already know: Southwest Florida is deficient in hurricane shelters, and it is projected to remain deficient until at least 2029. The …
Philanthro-activism, which combines philanthropy (donating money) and activism, could be an important part of solving the climate crisis. In 2020, less than two percent of philanthropic capital was …
This week, Manatee County Commissioners moved forward with a painfully vague plan to spend tens of millions of dollars developing a “Veterans Memorial Park” in a remote area of north …
Our county governments should not do business with criminals. Corporate crime costs all of us money through higher taxes and prices. Corporate crime insults community ethics. The Manatee …
Biosphere 2 project began in 1984, led by John Allen who called it “The Human Experiment.” The project sent eight explorers, or “biospherians,” to live in a sealed ecosystem …
This plot line could have come from one of Charles Dickens’ novels about upper-class depravity: “Miserly governors refuse to provide gruel for poverty-stricken ragamuffins.”
The recent removal of mangroves to build a seawall clearly demonstrates serious flaws in Florida’s Mangrove Protection Act. The Florida Department of Environmental Protection …
Last week, in a fine piece of investigative journalism, TBT ’s Dawn Kitterman detailed blatant favoritism by high-ranking county officials towards a developer who has sponsored the entire …
Solid-state batteries have emerged as a promising technological advancement that could potentially revolutionize the EV industry. As concerns about climate change intensify, there is a growing need …
This week, rumors swirled that a certain developer and his political henchman were in Tallahassee lobbying the governor to appoint Manatee County Commissioner James Satcher as Supervisor of Elections …
Natural pest control has become increasingly popular given the slew of health and effectiveness issues with conventional pesticides derived from synthetic chemicals. Since synthetic pesticides became …
Polling showing that Americans under 30 have expressed an ideological shift along gender lines—with males skewing hard to the right while females skewed hard to the left—has received much …
Just when you think Manatee County Government and its board of developer-bought-and-paid-for commissioners cannot get any lower than the gutter they’ve been inhabiting, they tunnel themselves …
State and local politicians have made it very easy to rebuild after hurricane damage so the same historic land development mistakes can be repeated after a storm has passed. Developers have had vast …
In recent years there has been a global movement to pressure corporations into becoming more eco-friendly. One of the most frequent measures taken by these companies is limiting the use of single-use …
We could use your advocacy to help advance several good bills and stop a bad one scheduled for a hearing next week. Urge key legislators to advance good bills and stop a bad one.
Manatee County is currently looking to sell off 160 acres of former dairy farm land it purchased in 2020. Such a sale would not only be poor planning on the county’s part, but it would also …
Organizations willing to accept money from phosphate strip-mining companies ensure that such polluters are insulated from criticism by buying their silence on environmentally destructive practices.
In 2014 the concept of solar powered photovoltaic road panels that could collect sunlight and convert it into useable energy went viral when the Idaho-based company Solar Roadways heralded it as a …