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Kid Kentucky & the Badass Band at Motorworks Brewing


Kid Kentucky and the American Badass Band is the nation’s top Kid Rock tribute band, astounding Kid Rock fans nationwide. And by astounding, we do mean it’s quite an incredible Kid Rock experience when the band takes the stage.

Each and every night, audiences spend the first few songs of the show trying to grasp the concept that they are not actually seeing the real Kid Rock there in front of them!

The cameras come out, the jaws drop and the show kicks into high gear from the first note to the last, with an overall experience as close to the real thing as you can get!

Come see the show for yourself on April 19th at Motorworks!

About the venue:

Venue: BRADENTON’S BEER GARDEN AND TAPROOM - Join us for a lovely afternoon or evening in our famous Beer Garden under a 150-year-old oak tree or enjoy our Taproom that is full of our great beers, wine, spirits, and cocktails.

We strive to fine-tune award-winning craft beer delivered to satisfy anyone’s palate. Our beers and service are performance-driven, the same as the Hudson service center housed in our brewery during the 1940s and 50s.

Based on weather conditions, Live Music may be performed in the Taproom.


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