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Council Corner: Pam Coachman, Ward 5


Here we are passing the midsummer time with the re-opening of school just around the corner. Hot days living in the Sunshine State are the norm, and we must stay vigilant and protect ourselves from the brutal heat. Please continue to be mindful of how to keep yourself from experiencing heat-related issues  that goes for you young and not-so-young and the animals also!

Our city employees continue to provide the best service they possibly can under the conditions that they must work in. Please be mindful that most of the services that are provided outside in this nearly unbearable heat can impact the level of service.

There may come times when our employees are unable to complete the usual daily tasks in one day, and we ask all citizens of the Friendly City to be patient and understanding.

As we approach the end of summer and begin preparing for the upcoming school year, please continue to be mindful of a healthy and safe summer vacation. Soon, schools will be back in session and the hustle and bustle of every day will resume.

There is so much to look forward to in the Friendly City. We will continue to address to the best of our ability all citizens concerns we can. All divisions in our public works department continue to respond to citizen needs outside of the routine services as quickly as possible.

Kudos to our employees who not only deal with their everyday responsibilities but also the unforeseen - unexpected water main breaks, water flow issues, rapid overgrowth areas common this time of year, and fires, both structure and vehicles. And let s not forget those who answer the calls when there are emergencies for our safety and medical needs. We are thankful to the men and women who serve the city in all capacities each and every day.

Just as we appreciate them serving us, we also appreciate the citizens of this growing Friendly City! We continue to welcome your concerns and opinions so we can keep working to uphold what we are: the beautiful Friendly City of Bradenton.

Bradenton City Council meetings will resume on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, and we look forward to getting back to city business and working for you.


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