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Reject plans to "manage" blooms, prevention is what is necessary. Blue-green algal blooms are more toxic to humans than red tides and need to be reported on by officials in the same fashion — but prevention of our feeding these blooms must be a statewide objective, our behavior is the basis of the problems. The fungicides being put into our drinking water are killing off the flora we need in our guts — keep the blooms from starting and there is no need for poisining ourselves in an attempt to deal with the result of our own action or failure to act.

The clean water amendment is starting over in order to get the proposal onto the 2026 ballot for the voters to be able to choose. It must be from scratch, all new petitions must be signed. Start now getting those petitions signed to get the huge number our mistakenly-elected officials have raised the required number to — get involved in making sure the voters can determine whether they want clean water. Voters must sign the petitons to get the question on the ballot — that is the only way voters will have a say about clean water. Ultimately, the voters determine whether they have this legal tool. What is your choice?

From: Red Tide Status Update: 4/12/24

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